• Sports Injuries

    Though there is no such thing as a "safe" sport, highly competitive sports, such as football, weightlifting, gymnastics, and wrestling, pose particularly higher risks of injuries, especially among children. According to experts, as much as 20 percent of all sports-related injuries involve the lower back

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  • Joint Disorders: Spine

    The bony structures that allow your back and neck to easily move in different directions are called "facet joints." Facet joints provide about one-fifth of your lower back and neck's twisting stability. Facet joints are located in pairs at each vertebral level (except for the top vertebra) down your

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  • Failed Back Surgery

    Patients whose problems were not answered by surgery sometimes call upon chiropractors for help. It is unfortunate they did not consult with a chiropractor before surgery to determine whether their pain or other symptoms would be addressed without drugs or surgical intervention. That said, as many as

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  • Whiplash

    Whiplash is probably one of the most misunderstood and misaligned kinds of injuries; people involved in automobile accidents often suspect they have whiplash if they feel any kind of soreness in their neck. This is not to diminish the fact that whiplash is quite a common and potentially serious kind

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  • What is Scheuermann's Disease?

    A hunchback appearance of the spine maybe a sign of Scheuermann's disease, a condition caused by an enlargement or deformity of the round back portion of the thoracic spine. People with Scheuermann's disease have wedge-shaped vertebrae in their upper spine, which is caused by the front of the upper spine

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  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

    Carpal tunnel syndrome is a progressive and sometimes painful joint disorder caused by a compression of the median nerve of your hand. The compression causes swelling, which exerts pressure on the nerves. Carpal tunnel syndrome is probably the most common source of wrist pain. Symptoms may include soreness,

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  • Osteoporosis

    Osteoporosis is a gradual disintegration of bone and it can have a devastating impact on the joints and vertebrae of your spine. Osteoporosis causes the loss of mass and density in bones, making them highly susceptible to fractures. If the bones in your spine become weak and spongy, your spine gradually

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  • Bone Spurs

    As we get older, the discs and the joints of our spines and other bony structures undergo changes; some of these changes are degenerative in nature. While degeneration occurs even in the healthiest of people, it can be encouraged by a number of things such as poor nutrition, an injury, or bad posture. Bone

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