• Leg Pain

    The largest nerve in the human body may be responsible for one of the most common causes of leg pain. The sciatic nerve connects the spinal cord with the leg and foot muscles, and runs down both sides of the lumbar spine, through the buttock and back of the thigh, and down to the foot. Many kinds of

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  • Back Pain

    Eighty percent of Americans experience one form of back pain or another during the course of their lives. More men over the age of 45 are disabled by back pain than any other condition. It is the third most common reason for surgeries. Because of this, people complaining of back pain cannot be easily

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  • Stenosis

    In a normal healthy spine, bundles of nerves exit the spinal column at dozens of tiny locations from the base of the skull to the top of the lower back. When these openings become blocked or narrowed, nerves can become impinged, leading to a condition called stenosis. The vast majority of cases of spinal

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  • Chiropractors and Chiropractic Care: An Overview

    Chiropractors diagnose and treat a broad range of physical conditions in patients with muscular, nervous, and skeletal problems, especially the spine. Chiropractors make use of conventional diagnostic tests, such as X-rays, MRIs, and lab work, as well as specific procedures that involve manipulation

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  • Neck Pain

    Your cervical spine connects your brain stem to your spinal cord. It is an area rich in blood vessels and other soft tissue, such as ligament and tendons. Neck pain is slightly less common than back pain, but no less important or treatable. Common causes of neck pain include, but are not limited to: Cervical

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  • Treatments for Whiplash

    Whiplash is an injury to the cervical spine, or neck, and occurs when the muscles and other soft tissues are hyper extended or hyperflexed. Whiplash can damage the intervertebral discs of the upper spine. Most instances of whiplash occur during a front-end or rear-end automobile collision. The force

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  • Pregnancy Pain

    Largely because of the physical and hormonal changes to their bodies, many pregnant women can experience various kinds of back pain. Here's a look at some of the kinds of pain pregnant women are prone to: Coccyx (tailbone) pain Groin pain Pelvic pain (which usually begins during pregnancy, but typically

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  • Back Injuries

    Back injuries are sustained in a myriad of ways and some people are more likely to develop back pain and injury than others are. Some people incur back injuries from doing seemingly nothing; a simple twist or turn the wrong way in bed, for example, could cause a vertebra to go out of alignment. Others

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