• Heel Pain

    Heel pain, like ankle pain, can be caused by something as simple as bad shoes or an injury. But more often than not, heel pain is associated with problems with the nerves, tendons, and ligaments of the foot. The repetitive pounding of one's heel on hard surfaces, to which women who wear high heels can

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  • Lifestyle and Nutrition Counseling

    Chiropractors believe that when your body is in a state of homeostasis, or balance, all of its varied systems function properly to repair or reverse injury or disease. It is a holistic approach to patient care, one that focuses on a patient's total wellness, or well being, instead of specific diseases,

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  • Nerve Disorders

    Your spine includes an incredibly complex network of nerves that originate in your brain, coursing their way downward through the spinal column and exiting at more than 60 different locations from the base of your skull all the way to the top of your lower back. There are almost limitless ways for nerves

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  • Subluxations

    The spinal column is an intricate framework of interlocking bones that, when viewed from the side, form a gentle "S" shape. The spine is a sophisticated system—both fragile and sturdy—of muscles, bones, joints, ligaments, discs, a spinal cord, and nerves. Daily activities, such as lifting and exercise,

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  • Wrist Pain

    Carpal tunnel syndrome is probably the most common source of wrist pain . Symptoms may include soreness, numbness or tingling, or a burning sensation. Carpal tunnel is caused by compression in the median nerve of your hand. The compression causes swelling. Carpal tunnel is more common among people who

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  • Scoliosis

    Scoliosis is a medical term that refers to spinal curvatures. Scoliosis is a condition that almost always begins in early childhood. And it is exceedingly rare. In fact, only about 5 out of 1,000 American children usually develop curved spines enough to warrant treatment. Scoliosis affects only 1 percent

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  • Treatments of the Sacroiliac Joint

    A common joint disorder involves the sacroiliac joint, which links the bottom of the spine with pelvic bone. This joint endures a lot of pressure and absorbs the shocks from the upper body. Although it is a very strong and mostly stationary joint, the sacroiliac joint can become damaged or impaired.

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  • Heat Therapy

    While ice therapy is used to reduce swelling, heat therapy is used to relax the muscles and increase circulation. Both kinds of therapy help reduce pain. Heat therapy is often used in patients who have chronic or long-lasting pain. Heat therapy can involve many kinds of methods, from simple heating pads,

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