• Arthritis

    In general terms, arthritis is a gradual breakdown or deterioration of the joint spaces in your musculoskeletal system. According to some experts, 8 out of 10 Americans over the age of 55 suffer from one form of arthritis or another. In many cases, arthritis can become so painful and debilitating, simple

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  • Lumbar Stabilization

    When the muscles supporting the lower spine need to be strengthened, lumbar stabilization may be used in your chiropractic treatment as a form of physical therapy. Lumbar stabilization helps you develop strength, flexibility, and endurance and also has been shown effective in alleviating lower back pain. The

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  • Sleep Apnea

    It is fairly normal for most of us to snore from time to time, especially if we are tired. The rattling sound we hear in people who snore is actually caused by the tissues in your throat, such as the soft palate and uvula, vibrating. Some people, however, actually have a minor defect in their throat

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  • Birth Trauma

    The act of birth is both a joyous and traumatic event. Few people realize how traumatic birthing can be on an infant's spinal cord. Even under the best of circumstances with highly trained and competent physicians, a baby's nervous system can incur damage while traveling through the birth canal. Often,

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  • Corsets, Braces, and Splints

    Corsets, braces and splints are used in chiropractic treatment. A common application of braces is used to treat children with idiopathic scoliosis, or curvature of the spine. Back braces are recommended only for children (girls between the ages of 11 and 13, and boys between 12 and 14 years old). The

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  • Ultrasound Therapy

    Many of us have heard about how ultrasound is used as a diagnostic test to explore disease process and injury in the human body. Diagnostic ultrasound, for example, can be used to look at joints, nerve roots, tendons, ligaments and muscles and pinpoint signs of inflammation and scar tissue. In some cases,

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  • Neuropathic Pain

    Neuropathic pain is a debilitating form of chronic pain that results from peripheral or central nervous system damage. When the damage is peripheral in nature, it is often referred to as nerve pain, sensory peripheral neuropathy, or peripheral neuritis. Neuropathic pain is really a disease caused by

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  • Ankle/Foot Pain

    Ankle pain can be caused by something as minor as an ill-fitting shoe or as major as an injury. Many kinds of ankle pain originate on the outer, or lateral, side of the ankle. People with ankle pain often complain about difficulty walking or participating in sports. Some types of ankle pain are constant

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