• Traveling Tips

    Traveling by car: Make sure your car seat is adjusted to the point that it allows you to sit comfortably and firmly against the seat back without having to lean forward or stretch. Engage your seat and shoulder belts and ensure that your headrest supports the center of the back of the head. If you

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  • Ice Therapy

    In many cases, temporary pain and even additional injury can be minimized and even avoided by a simple application of ice. Ice, applied in a timely manner and in an appropriate way, can reduce inflammation. Inflammation left unchecked can allow the source of the pain to continue doing damage to muscles,

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  • Exercise Therapy

    Exercise therapy is a form of chiropractic treatment used to help manage pain, rehabilitate damaged soft tissues (such as muscles, ligament and tendons), and restore normal range of motion and function. Such therapy has been shown to alleviate pain, improve overall muscle strength and range of motion,

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  • Benefits of Chiropractic Care

    One of the main causes of pain and disease in the human body can be traced to improper alignment of the vertebrae in your spinal column. This is called a subluxation. Through carefully applied pressure, massage, and manual manipulation of the vertebrae and joints, pressure and irritation on the nerves

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  • Shoulder Pain

    Shoulder pain can be caused by a wide variety of things, including a subluxation, or vertebral misalignment, or injury. Most often, shoulder pain can be traced to tenderness or soreness of the rotator-cuff tendon. The rotator cuff is the part of the shoulder that allows you to move your arms in a circular

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  • Neurological Exams

    A neurological examination is sometimes performed to determine if any part of your body has incurred damage to its central nervous system. Many health problems have been associated with nerve damage, and such, this exam can significantly improve the chances of making a thorough diagnosis. A neurological

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  • The Chiropractic Profession

    The word chiropractic comes from the Greek words, "chiro," meaning hand, and "practic," meaning practice, or treatment. Thus, "treatment by hand" is an appropriate definition since chiropractors typically use their hands to manipulate different parts of the body in an effort to promote healing and wellness. A

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  • Airbags and Auto Safety

    Before the early 1970s, seat belts and shoulder restraints were not standard equipment in automobiles. And it wasn't until 1985 that the first airbags began appearing in cars. The positive impact those two innovations have had on the reduction of spinal cord injuries cannot be underestimated. In fact,

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